





你为什么在in Sibiu驾车


Sibiu was the European Capital of Culture in 2007. Many tourists visit Transylvania to discover the architectural beauty of Sibiu. The surrounding region also benefits from Sibiu's popularity. The bathing resort Ocna Sibiului is only 15 kilometers from Sibiu. However, you need a car to enjoy the salty water and the temperate continental climate: Busses and trains do exist, but they are often overcrowded and not air-conditioned. In the vicinity of Sibiu are several national parks which are perfect for a hiking or driving Enduro bikes. The well-maintained streets even allow you to drive through the park. From your rental car you can see lush green forests and watch flocks of sheep make for perfectly picturesque scenery.


The city of Brasov in Transylvania is at 100 km from Sibiu. There you can walk in the footsteps of Count Dracula and explore his castle, which is one of the tourist highlights in Romania. The city of Brasov is also called "Salzburg" of Romania. As an old merchant city, it has become rich and famous. Today, the city hall and the black church still bear witness to the historical roots. With a rental car you are able to drive flexibly and comfortably from Sibiu to Brasov and maybe even to the winter sports area "Poiana Braşov". Roughly 1000 meters above sea level, you can enjoy skiing or snowboarding and stay in a nice hotel.


Maki Car Rental, through its contractors, has access to a large number of cars in Romania. The whole rental car fleet only consists of well-tended cars in mint condition, which are at most four years old, so that our customers do not have to go without the high standard they are used to. Maki Car Rental works with one of the biggest car rental companies in Romania and has managed to connect low prices with high quality standards.



Maki Car Rental为旗下所有的汽车担保了综合保险(CDW),包括盗抢险(TP)和第三方责任险(TPL)。汽车保险涵盖了几乎所有类别的险种,除了酒后或吸毒后开车、违反租车条款和重大过失。此外,也不包含车钥匙和个人物品的损坏或丢失。在预定过程中,您选择保险套餐时,可能看到该保险未涵盖的其他项目(如车胎)。

您需要支付的保证金取决于您选择的汽车类型和保险种类,您可以在预订过程看到该金额。如果您无需保险免赔,考虑到保险外的损坏、燃油费和未能按时还车等情况,您还是需要支付一定数量的(少量)保证金。 您可在提车时用现金(所显示的货币;根据要求采用其他货币)或信用卡支付保证金。 在整个租车期内,该部分金额通常会冻结,以有效降低您的消费限额。因此,请确保您卡上额度充足,且提车时要有该卡的持有人在场。汽车原样返还时,我们将退还您全部保证金。 在罗马尼亚,订金至少为 €0.

